Linhas soltas, asas rasgadas

Freedom is just chaos with better lighting.

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Local: São Paulo, SP, Brazil

quarta-feira, julho 11, 2007

Sad poem

I never wished to look like a stone

The sidewalks in black and white
A shadow draws your kiss in my hand
I see no need to report clouds that pass me by
The lack of news now consumes everyone
Hold my heart with both your hands
I don’t deserve this

You keep thinking I’m to blame
Guilty are the sunflower seeds
They might not mind anymore
If flowers covered by smiles
Hold something like a feverish glory

My eyes are unprotected
And your light burns
While I take off an impermeable coat
In an attempt to collect the rain
These drops are nothing more than tears

I sit and watch the stillness of time
I never wished to look like a stone
When the sky stopped breathing

But I did
When dead leaves fluttered away
On the streets
In the morning

(Poema escrito para o Workshop de Criação Poética com o poeta americano Edward Hirsch, na AIC)


Anonymous Anônimo said...

And this our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.

9:26 AM  

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