E mais um
Este é o último poema em inglês a ser publicado neste blog... pelo menos por enquanto. Até porque minha produção em qualquer língua que não a minha nunca foi das mais férteis anyway.
Última aula do Workshop de Criação Poética e uma festa/leitura logo mais à noite, no B Bar. Cheers!
Two avenues
Her town had only two avenues
crossing each other, with a church
in the middle, and different tones
for the same sunset. It had stars.
She didn’t think it was enough,
and she wanted to leave.
The new town had many bus drivers
that looked like her father, movie theaters
playing classics, and a pair of green
eyes that could light up a fire.
It still wasn’t enough,
and she thought of leaving.
The man beat her in chess, he smiled whenever
he was sad, he made her laugh,
and feel alive – her life going after
the freshest bet for a lucky future.
It could’ve been enough,
and she questioned leaving.
But then, he left her first. Thirsty,
shattered, she allowed the tears
to run, and went back to hometown –
her heart packed inside a suitcase.
Now, it wasn’t nearly enough,
and it was all that she had left.
Última aula do Workshop de Criação Poética e uma festa/leitura logo mais à noite, no B Bar. Cheers!
Two avenues
Her town had only two avenues
crossing each other, with a church
in the middle, and different tones
for the same sunset. It had stars.
She didn’t think it was enough,
and she wanted to leave.
The new town had many bus drivers
that looked like her father, movie theaters
playing classics, and a pair of green
eyes that could light up a fire.
It still wasn’t enough,
and she thought of leaving.
The man beat her in chess, he smiled whenever
he was sad, he made her laugh,
and feel alive – her life going after
the freshest bet for a lucky future.
It could’ve been enough,
and she questioned leaving.
But then, he left her first. Thirsty,
shattered, she allowed the tears
to run, and went back to hometown –
her heart packed inside a suitcase.
Now, it wasn’t nearly enough,
and it was all that she had left.
enlouquecida com meu projeto, dear, sem tempo pra nada.
mas arranjei uns minutos e postei uma bobagem, dá uma olhada depois. bjs!
Senti um alívio quando li "pelo menos por enquanto"! :-)
Parabéns! Versos brancos, palavras transparentes, e, assim como a insatisfação de tua protagonista, sempre vamos querer mais lindos poemas como este.
Do sempre vosso,
F. ;-)
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